This option provides a member list that can be sorted by column. The list is searchable using the search bar at the top and is exportable to excel by clicking Export.
- 'Active Billing Records' is a list of members that will be assessed new scheduled charges based on their billing group assignment.
- 'Inactive Billing Records' contains members that will not be assessed scheduled charges. However, any member who owes a balance will continue to receive statements from OmegaFi until their balance is paid in full.
- Select a member’s name to see their “Billing Detail.”
- Summary - The Billing Detail summary provides an at-a-glance view of the member's overall financial status. It includes balance information, last payment, alerts, aging detail, upcoming scheduled charges, and their recent transactions.
- Use the left slide out to easily navigate to other members' records.
- Click on the information icon next to the member's balance to see the breakdown of their balance by income account.
- Transactions - Select a date range to view all transactions posted to the member's account. Click the Add Transactions button in the upper right corner to add Charges, Credits, or Payments. Charges and credits require a description, an income account, and an amount. Payments require a payment method and amount. Once a transaction is created, they are in a status of Pending. Pending transactions post daily at approximately 3:45 a.m. ET. Chapter-created pending transactions are editable until the transaction posts to members' accounts.
- Transactions with a magnifying glass in the far right column are associated with a reversed transaction. Click on the magnifying glass to see more detail.
- Billing Profile - Displays the member’s billing settings such as billing group and billing status. Also displays any contracts associated with the member.
- Statements - Sort statement history by each column header. View a copy of the member's statement by clicking on the PDF icon or request a reprint of the statement to be sent to the member via email or U.S. Mail.
- Member Detail - Accessed by clicking “View Member Detail.” Can edit member info by clicking the pencil icon.