In order to add members in mass into your chapter roster, follow these steps:
- Log into your OmegaFi account
- Enter the Vault platform
- Click on the tab labeled Chapter at the top of the page
- Click on "Add new members"*
- Select the "Add members in mass"* option
- Fill out the template provided and save to your computer to upload
- Upload the file
- Once the file is accepted, you will be taken to the Mass Member Edit page where you can review your new members information for accuracy, make any changes, add any missing information, or remove the member if needed.
- Once you have completed your review, select the Submit button.
Notes: The file provided is formatted specifically for the Add Members in Mass feature. You do not have to enter data for all columns, but please do not delete or re-arrange any columns.
- First Name, Last Name and Email are the only required fields.
- Once data is entered and you are ready to upload, the file MUST be saved as a .CSV (Comma Separated Values) file.
*If you do not see the options for adding new members, your organization may add new members in a different system that will then filter them into Vault. Check with your Inter/National Organization if you are unsure where you add New Members.