Pending (unposted) transactions are viewable under the Billing menu > Transactions section > View Pending Transactions.
The first section of the Pending Transactions page provides a list of all transaction details and the members' balances after posting. At the bottom of the page is a summary of charges and credits.
- Sort each column by clicking on the header row.
- Search by a specific name, transaction description, or amount using the 'Search' box at the top of the page
- The icon in the first column of the list of transactions indicates if the transaction was entered by the chapter or by OmegaFi
- Click on the icon for more detail
- Export the list of transactions into PDF or Excel
Note: Pending transactions post daily at approximately 3:45 a.m. ET. Chapter-created pending transactions are editable until the transaction posts to members' accounts. Contact your support team to edit transactions created by OmegaFi.